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Illegitimate Son of King Jacques Matteo of Cyprus by Hrair K.

The title Barone de Baccari was created in 1508 to Jacques Matteo (sives Eugene Matteo) d’Armenia with the remainder to his descendants in perpetuity. Eugene the illegitimate son of King Jacques II of Cyprus, when his family were exiled, first had went to Naples, Sicily, then settled in Malta marrying a Sicilian heiress Donna Paola Mazzara (a descendant of the Royal House of Aragon of Sicily and Aragon), with issue. Eugene Matteo has also been noted living in Malta and also noted to have been in Venice. Though reports such as family historians dont note the place of death, if in Malta or even perhaps in Venice. His descendants in Malta are quite well noted in Maltese history, especially in the area of Politics, Lawyers, Nobility, and Bishops. 
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