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Victims of the Sassoun Massacre 1894

The Armenian Crisis in Turkey: The Massacre of 1894, Its Antecedents and Significance.
By Frederick Davis Greene, MA
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons

The Sassoun massacres are often referred to as the ‘Hamidian massacres’ and were carried out during the reign of Abdul Hamid II. The massacres involved the brutal massacres of the Armenian populations and began in the summer of 1894 in the remote areas of Sassoun in Southern Armenia.
In the introduction of the book, Josiah Strong writes...”In issuing this book, he [Frederick Davis Greene] is simply discharging what to him is a personal and unavoidable obligation; and as he frankly avows its authorship, it will be impossible for the Turkish Government to hold any one else responsible for it [massacres].

An interesting fact that although Sultan Abdul Hamid II condoned the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire, many historical accounts document that the Sultan's mother was indeed an Armenian. She died when he was 10 and he was then raised by a Circassian woman and the palace. 

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